Monday, August 22, 2011

All about builders

The Builder is Construction Law The legally and economically responsible Client in the implementation of Building project. As a builder is someone who can prepare their own behalf or for the account of others or their own building projects or to prepare or execute or run can be. He can be both a natural person and a legal person be.

The developer has to prepare, monitor and execute a construction project requiring approval or notification one author of draft and to appoint a contractor, so depending on local legal requirements. The builder is also responsible for the public service regulations necessary applications, documents and notices to building control authority. He may delegate these tasks to the draft author.

Are the persons appointed by the client for their duties after expertise and experience is not suitable, then the building control authority before and during construction may require that unsuitable officers replaced by a suitable or appropriate expert can be used. The building control construction work can be set, are ordered to appropriate officers or experts.

Changes the client, and then notify the new owner of the building control authority in writing immediately. Furthermore, for the builders Security and Traffic Safety on their Site responsible and bear responsibility if third parties were appointed to handle and oversee the building project.

Useful Links

 London builders

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